Our best interest is to find the adequate grass to make your lawn beautiful

Landscapes Design

With a medium-coarse texture, it tolerates heat and withstands cold relatively well. It also handles moderate shade and salty conditions quite well. Most importantly, Palisades Zoysia is one of the most drought tolerant. In fact, some studies have shown it to survive up to 15 weeks without water. Another crucial distinguishing point about Palisades Zoysia is that it can be mowed to as low as ½ inch in height.

Tifway 419 Bermuda Grass

Tifway 419 is a deep green Bermuda grass with a fine texture. It has excellent weed and disease resistance and is a superior turf for fairways, tees, athletic fields and home lawns. When cut at ¾ to 1 ½ inches, 419 provides an excellent impact-absorbing cushion. Because of its very dense top growth, Tifway 419 tolerates more wear and better resists weed invasion. It is more resilient in winter months when the grass is dormant.

Celebration Bermuda

Bermuda grass is highly drought tolerant and quite visually appealing with its dark, blue-green color. With its low growing patterns and tough runners, it requires less mowing than many othergrasses. Also known for its strength and ability to withstand wear, Bermuda grass is appropriate for golf and sports field use as well as commercial and residential applications.
In addition to expanding rapidly after planting, is more tolerant of shade than many others.

Raleigh St. Augustine

Raleigh St. Augustine has a medium green color with a coarse texture. Raleigh adapts well to heavier, organic, clay soils with medium to low soil pH.It is soft to touch and it’s best for commercial, sports/parks & home lawns.

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